Quantock Medical Centre
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MS Society – My MS Needs


My MS Needs is one of the largest surveys of people affected by MS in the UK.  It asks people with MS about their experiences, needs and priorities.

Complete the survey online at : https://www.ukmsregister.org/landing/mymsmyneeds

Request a paper copy by emailing mssociety@pureprint.com or by phone to 0300 500 8084.  The survey is also available in Welsh, large print, and Easy Read.

And if you prefer to complete the survey over the phone, you can call us on 0300 500 8084.

The survey will be open from 1 March to the 31 May 2019

MS Family and Friends

Family and friends play a vitally important role helping people with MS to live well.  The MS Society wants to provide the information and services that will help you most and to focus our campaigns on what matters to you.  That’s why we want to hear about your experience supporting someone with MS.

If you live in the UK and support a family member, partner, or friend with MS, please go online to complete our MS family & friends survey at https://tinyurl.com/ms-family-friends.