Quantock Medical Centre
01278 732 696

01278 733385


Acute community eye care service

ACES is a service which provides free assessment for new eye conditions through your local optician.

New eye conditions include:

  • red eye
  • double vision
  • painful eyes
  • recent reduction in vision

Contact East Quay Vision on 01278 440 440, Turners Eye Clinic on 01278 422 978 or Bridgwater Spec Savers on 01278 452 245

Alcohol support for over 50’s

A survey by the alcohol, drug and mental health charity With You  found  1 in 2 adults aged over 50 are drinking at a level that could cause them health problems now, or in the future.

The poll also found more than four million adults aged over 50s are binge drinking at least once a week during lockdown. In this population factors such as retirement, bereavement, isolation and loss of sense of purpose can lead to increased alcohol use and this may be exacerbated by the pandemic.

In response, With You has launched an over 50’s Alcohol Helpline providing support and advice to individuals aged over 50 worried about their drinking, and their concerned others.  This will be available 7 days a week; Monday to Friday at 12pm to 8pm and 10am to 4pm at weekends.

The number is 0808 801 0750

Antenatal care

Routine antenatal check-ups by our qualified midwife. Held at the Quantock Medical Centre or Cannington Health Centre on alternate Thursdays 9.30am to 1pm by appointment.

Any newly pregnant women are asked to register on the maternity booking site from 8 weeks of pregnancy.

Somerset maternity toolkit

A new suite of digital resources launched this month which has been designed to support families through pregnancy and the parenting journey.

It offers trustworthy information and support from pre-conception, pregnancy, through to infant feeding and support with parenthood.

It also includes a series of educational animations, an online maternity toolkit, a parent/carer toolkit and a mum and baby app as well as ‘Parent Hacks’ which give useful tried and tested top tips about support available.

Somerset County Council partnered with Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group, Yeovil District Hospital and Somerset Foundation Trust to develop the new online information, which was created by professionals working with parents in Somerset.

Anticoagulation therapy clinic

We provide warfarin testing and monitor all our patients on anticoagulant therapy regularly.

Asthma and COPD

Our Lead Respiratory Practice Nurses Anna Larsen  and Jacqui Gailey provide check ups and advice for all Asthma and COPD Patients including inhaler techniques, medication and lifestyle advice

Carer Support

Somerset Carers are able to provide information, advice and support to anyone who has caring responsibilities whether for a friend, relative or neighbour. This includes parents of children with disabilities. Call 0800 316 8600, email carers@somersetrcc.org.uk or visit Somerset Carers website.

Childhood vaccinations

All childhood vaccinations are given by a trained Lead Practice Nurse Helen Every and Practice Nurses Anna Larsen or Jacqui Gailey.

Chiropody/podiatry clinics

By appointment only. You may be entitled to NHS Podiatry care due to your medical condition. Contact the Somerset Podiatry Booking Service for a self referral form on 0303 033 3003. Age Concern provide a toe nail cuttingservice for a small charge and can be contacted on 01278 785 921

Diabetic clinic

Our Lead Practice Nurse Helen Every  and Practice Nurse Jacqui Gailey provides Diabetic Monitoring, check ups,  support and lifestyle advice

Emergency contraception

Available on request. Please book an appointment with a Doctor and ask for an ‘URGENT’ appointment.

Flu clinics

We run annual flu immunisation clinic in late October. Ask at reception for further information.

Seasonal flu jabs are available on the NHS for Patients over the age of 65 years and those with medical conditions such as Diabetes, stroke, heart disease, liver disease, asthma and COPD, kidney problems, a weakened immune system, or if you are the main carer for an elderly or disabled person

Health visiting services

Health Visitors provide support and advice for parents of young children up to the age of 4 years old,  and are happy to see children and parents by appointment. They can be contacted at the Bridgwater Duty Team on 0300 323 0116 or West Somerset Duty Team on 0300 323 0115

Stop smoking service

Contact smoke free life on 0800 169 0169

Travel vaccination and advice

Our Practice Nurses can offer advice and vaccinations for travel by appointment from Monday to Friday. A completed travel questionnaire is required before your appointment please call into reception to collect one. Please book your appointment well in advance of travelling as some vaccinations take a few weeks to take effect.

Open mental health 

24 hour support for adults on 01823 276 892

Somerset talking therapies 

Self referral is through the Somerset NHS Foundation Trust website.


Call 116 123


Concerned about a young person who may have suicidal thoughts call 0800 068 4141


Date published: 8 October 2014
Date last updated: 20 February 2024